Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Will Maple Candy Kill My Father?

I am terribly distracted today. I took on too many things this week (not really. I, honestly, do not have a very hectic schedule. I am just awful at time management). This weekend I am going camping from, like, Friday to Sunday, and that's (sadly) when I usually get most of my work done. Which means I have to do all that work stuff during the week, like a normal human being.

In another goofball move, I signed up for these meeting things at my work. They're online and they come with little assignments and reading and there is no way to tell how much time they are going to take.

So, naturally, this morning, I am spending time writing this. It is because I care for you, dear readers.

Also, ironically, I am teaching a class this semester that is basically, a time management class. I feel completely unprepared. It is a four-hour class, once a week. So, I think you can understand how even thinking about it can be exhausting.

Another thing that is on my mind is my dad and my mom. My mom has been moved to a nursing home temporarily because my dad went into the hospital for some newly discovered cancer. Good news. It has not spread. And, the operation was pretty successful, but the recovery seems like it may be difficult. My dad does not react well to medications and he can get a little out of control. This puts his recovery at risk because he might rip stuff out of his body or go on some hulk-like rampage. (Not really, but it's cute to think about). More good news. My dad's recovery time is going to take place at the same place my mom is staying, so they can be together.

Who's to say who is winning, here, World. You or me. Why use my mom and dad as pawns in our game? Or, wait, is it possible this is not all about me?

Still, I am here (beautiful San Fran) while my sister and brother in law are out there doing the heavy lifting. That weighs on me. But they really have all the weight. I just feel bad about stuff, hoping it evens me out karmacally. That, my friends, seems like a stupid waste of time. Still, it is one of the few things I do really, really well.

The surgery was Thursday and I have not called my dad since then (using the excuse that he's too loopy to talk to) and I have not sent a card or anything either (I'm too caught up with all this work stuff).

Oy, if you know what I mean.

My dad likes maple candy. But I bet he hasn't had some in a very, very long time. Not since, probably, he got diagnosed with diabetes. I'd like to send him some. I do not think it will kill him. I do not think it will. And I think he might really enjoy it, and think of me as being very thoughtful.

Me. Me.


  1. Here's where I'm thinking of getting the maple candy from. Any suggestions?


  2. I don't know, Ray, I think that might not be the greatest idea while he's recovering. Could really screw up his blood sugar and slow his healing. Too bad, because it's a really sweet idea. Oops, sorry for the pun. --Your neighborhood doctor

  3. One piece, brother won't kill him and since he's not eating much at all might stimulate his appetite. He needs a mood lifter as well. :) Sister

  4. Send youtr sister the candy as a thank you. Taking care of ornery parents can be quite difficult she could probably use the pic me up and maybe she could share some with your dad

  5. I'm sorry for what you're going thru, Ray. I can i8dentify with a lot of it--sister & brother-in-law in my case doing a lot of the heavy lifting, but there are always ways to step in. If your sister thinks the maple candy is a good idea, I say go for it.

  6. Everybody is smart and great. Cards went to my mom, my dad, my sister and brother-in-law, and some maple candy went to my dad, but to my sister's address, where she can make an informed decision, or enjoy it herself.

    Thank you'se!
